Tuesday, February 4, 2014

New Jersey Marble Restoration

Marble has always been a stone prized for its aesthetic appeal. White marble has been used as an art form since classical times. Marble's low index of refraction is why many artists have preferred it for centuries. Marble allows light to penetrate into it before refracting, which is what gives marble that waxy “life” like look.
Because of marble's softness for a stone it is important to regularly clean it. Protecting it from scratches will make the stone last longer. Using coasters and mats on table tops will protect them from any kitchen appliances. Marble can stain very quickly and any spill should be wiped up immediately. Using a natural soap or marble cleaner will help you get rid of those tougher areas on your marble counter tops. Never use vinegar on marble, its acidity may cause the marble to corrode.

Aldayna Stone Care & Maintenance provides New Jersey marble restoration services for residential and commercial spaces. All of our expert stone care employees are friendly and courteous with years of experience and knowledge in removing the toughest stains and discolorations in marble. We perform all of our marble restoration services personally and never subcontract. Aldayna Stone Care offers free estimates on all New Jersey marble restoration services.

Aldayna Stone Care & Maintenance
28 Bowden Road
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009
Tel:(973) 239-1351 

1 comment:

  1. One of my teachers in college painted some of the pillars in her house to look like marble. She showed us pictures and it looks really nice. I think it would be really cool to have actual marble pillars in my house. http://rockymountainmarblerestoration.com/marble.htm
