Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Marble Restoration NJ

Marble tiles and countertops look extravagant but need not be difficult to keep shiny and clean. Experts recommend having a yearly professional cleaning in order to keep them in top shape. Aldayna Stone Care and Maintenance is a professional company that provides several types of stone care services including marble restoration in NJ.

Here are some ways things that you can do to in order to preserve your marble:

  • Regular cleaning. Be sure to wipe off your marble regularly. Do not use a lot of water, but instead a damp cloth. Always be sure to completely dry it off with a separate dry cloth when finished.
  • Special cleaning. When marble dulls, it can be restored by a commercial marble cleaner. These can be purchased from any company that sells marble.
  • Organic stains. To clean stains make from food or drinks, use 20% peroxide mixed with a very small amount of ammonia. 
  • Oil stains. These need to be dealt with as soon as possible. Spread the stained surface with any absorbent fine powder such as corn starch. After a day, scrub with hot sudsy water and dry immediately.

These tips should help you to take care of your marble. Contact Aldayna Stone Care and Maintenance if you would like more information on NJ marble restoration.

Aldayna Stone Care and Maintenance
28 Bowden Road
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009

Friday, October 18, 2013

Marble Restoration NJ

Marble has been used for a variety of applications for nearly three thousand years. From the Taj Mahal to the statue of David, marble has historically been a sign of exaltation. It has most commonly been associated with the Greek and Roman cultures, due to their extensive use of it in sculpture and architecture. There is always a way to add the grace and elegance to your home, especially with NJ marble restoration, marble counter tops.
Marble counter tops add a lot to a home's aesthetics. Keeping them looking like new is important to the life of your counters.
These tips will help with basic maintenance of your counter tops:
  • Use coasters, especially with alcohol and citrus based drinks.
  • Marble, although a stone, is still porous and any spills should be wiped off immediately.
  • Use a special marble cleaner, most house hold cleaners have a high Ph balance and can damage your marble.
  • Never use an abrasive cleaning pad such as steel wool, this will leave microscopic scratches that will take their toll on your tops.
  • Do not use products that contain lemon, vinegar or other acids on marbles.
  • If streaking occurs after cleaning, buff with a white terry cloth towel.
  • For general cleaning use a solution that is one part baking soda and nine parts water. Make sure to rinse thoroughly with cool water after using the solution.
What if your marble counter tops are in more dire straits? There are professional marble cleaning companies that will help you care for your stone and return it to its original luster. Companies like Aldayna Stone Care and Maintenance are experts in NJ marble restoration.

Aldayna Stone Care and Maintenance
28 Bowden Road
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Art of Marble Restoration in NJ

Whether we are talking about the Washington Monument or your kitchen countertops, marble requires some maintenance to look its best. A recent story out of Bristol, Virginia describes a marble restorer going over the painstaking task of rejuvenating a 90-year-old statue to look like new using natural tools and compounds, spending painstaking hours over every precious detail. Marble is special because of its durability, appeal and worth, and when you need marble restoration to last you should always rely on the experts.

A mixture of baking soda and water is an easy household trick you can use to polish marble spots and restore the sheen to your marble that you want, and by taking some time every once in a while to keep your natural stone looking good you will forego the need for any sort of lengthy marble restoration in NJ. It is unlikely your marble will ever take as long as the statue in Virginia is taking to be restored, but it can still be a lengthy process if you have not been diligent with your upkeep.

Aldayna Stone Care and Maintenance is a leader in marble restoration in Northern New Jersey, and can answer any questions about taking care of marble, installing marble or restoring marble. If you want to know more, contact us today.

Aldayna Stone Care and Maintenance
28 Bowden Road
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009

Monday, October 7, 2013

Stone Care Tips

When you have marble or granite counters and tiles, there are special ways you must clean these surfaces in order to get the most out of them. The stone care experts of Aldayna Stone Care and Maintenance want to give you some stone care tips that if applied regularly will save you from needless damage to these surfaces and keep these exquisite stones in peak condition – improving the aesthetic and monetary value of your home.
  1. Do not use household cleaners such as bleach or vinegar-based solvents, since these will eat through the protective sealant and lustrous finishing that gives marble and granite their shine. Invest in specialized, pH-neutral stone cleaners for what you need.
  2. Cosmetics and toiletries can damage stone sinks and countertops, and an easy way around this is to place mouthwash, nail polish remover, perfume and other acids on a mat or in a shelf cabinet.
  3. Clean up spills immediately. Spills that are left to sit will damage the sealer and damage the tops of the stone. To avoid scratches and nicks, using a plastic spoon or paper towel on spills and to scrape up food or dirt will not damage the floor as a metal object could.
  4. Use a nylon brush to sweep dirt and soil out of cracks. Although this can take longer than vacuuming would, it will save you from harmful sweeping on the top of the stone. Granite and marble are durable materials, but they can still be abused.
  5. Seal grout lines and keep spills from sinking into or behind the stone.

These are some weekly routines that can save you time and money in the long run while keeping your home looking brilliant and bright for many years. Aldyana Stone Care and Maintenance would love to answer your questions and provide more New Jersey marble restoration tips if you have more questions, so contact us today.

28 Bowden Rd, Cedar Rd NJ, 07009