Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Marble Restoration NJ

Marble tiles and countertops look extravagant but need not be difficult to keep shiny and clean. Experts recommend having a yearly professional cleaning in order to keep them in top shape. Aldayna Stone Care and Maintenance is a professional company that provides several types of stone care services including marble restoration in NJ.

Here are some ways things that you can do to in order to preserve your marble:

  • Regular cleaning. Be sure to wipe off your marble regularly. Do not use a lot of water, but instead a damp cloth. Always be sure to completely dry it off with a separate dry cloth when finished.
  • Special cleaning. When marble dulls, it can be restored by a commercial marble cleaner. These can be purchased from any company that sells marble.
  • Organic stains. To clean stains make from food or drinks, use 20% peroxide mixed with a very small amount of ammonia. 
  • Oil stains. These need to be dealt with as soon as possible. Spread the stained surface with any absorbent fine powder such as corn starch. After a day, scrub with hot sudsy water and dry immediately.

These tips should help you to take care of your marble. Contact Aldayna Stone Care and Maintenance if you would like more information on NJ marble restoration.

Aldayna Stone Care and Maintenance
28 Bowden Road
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009

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