Friday, October 18, 2013

Marble Restoration NJ

Marble has been used for a variety of applications for nearly three thousand years. From the Taj Mahal to the statue of David, marble has historically been a sign of exaltation. It has most commonly been associated with the Greek and Roman cultures, due to their extensive use of it in sculpture and architecture. There is always a way to add the grace and elegance to your home, especially with NJ marble restoration, marble counter tops.
Marble counter tops add a lot to a home's aesthetics. Keeping them looking like new is important to the life of your counters.
These tips will help with basic maintenance of your counter tops:
  • Use coasters, especially with alcohol and citrus based drinks.
  • Marble, although a stone, is still porous and any spills should be wiped off immediately.
  • Use a special marble cleaner, most house hold cleaners have a high Ph balance and can damage your marble.
  • Never use an abrasive cleaning pad such as steel wool, this will leave microscopic scratches that will take their toll on your tops.
  • Do not use products that contain lemon, vinegar or other acids on marbles.
  • If streaking occurs after cleaning, buff with a white terry cloth towel.
  • For general cleaning use a solution that is one part baking soda and nine parts water. Make sure to rinse thoroughly with cool water after using the solution.
What if your marble counter tops are in more dire straits? There are professional marble cleaning companies that will help you care for your stone and return it to its original luster. Companies like Aldayna Stone Care and Maintenance are experts in NJ marble restoration.

Aldayna Stone Care and Maintenance
28 Bowden Road
Cedar Grove, NJ 07009

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